327 research outputs found

    Development of an Associate Degree Level Course on Lean

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    Lean training and education has become a focal point in both industry and the realm of academics; however, the need within the industry remains, and oftentimes companies must take on the additional and high expense of training new graduates once they enter the workforce. Often, the classes that students study in the lean methodology, if any are studied at all, are taught within other disciplines, and the instruction is in a general sense as opposed to in depth and hands on. Within the past eight years it has been referenced in different academic articles that students are not coming into the workforce able to contribute to corporate lean initiatives. Although lean is making it into academics in greater measure, there is still opportunity to create an academic course that focuses specifically on lean and around the principles of lean which drive the techniques and tools required to build a lean culture. The goal of this project was to develop an associate degree level course on lean, a stand-alone course that provided students with opportunity to conduct and contribute to lean projects and to understand the guiding principles that define lean and the lean culture. To achieve this, a review of literature was conducted on lean, lean history, and lean within the industry to determine where lean education is failing the marketplace. Next, a review of the different instructional paradigms within academics was performed to determine the best methods to administer a training such as lean and the many tools that can be associated with it. Then, a study of course construction and curriculum development was carried out to understand the accreditation requirements involved in creating a course that can be taught at state colleges and universities. Finally, research was conducted on course assessment and how to determine that a student has understood the tools and methodologies needed and set forth in the course objectives. At the conclusion of the research, a course outline, schedule and assessment criteria were created that bring students through a progressing knowledge of the fourteen principles of lean and the tools and techniques that sustain a culture of continuous improvement. The course, administered in the paradigm set forth, carried out with hands on training in lean tools and exercises, and assessed by the measurement criteria provided, will enable students to be immediate contributors to lean initiatives upon entering the workforce

    Recovering a Random Variable from Conditional Expectations Using Reconstruction Algorithms for the Gauss Radon Transform

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    The Radon transform maps a function on n-dimensional Euclidean space onto its integral over a hyperplane. The fields of modern computerized tomography and medical imaging are fundamentally based on the Radon transform and the computer implementation of the inversion, or reconstruction, techniques of the Radon transform. In this work we use the Radon transform with a Gaussian measure to recover random variables from their conditional expectations. We derive reconstruction algorithms for random variables of unbounded support from samples of conditional expectations and discuss the error inherent in each algorithm

    El estudio del trabajo en la línea de comedores para el incremento de la capacidad de producción en la empresa IKASA, en el año 2018

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar como el estudio del trabajo incrementa la capacidad de producción de la línea de comedores en la empresa IKASA en el año 2018. La presente investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo y es de tipo aplicativo, teniendo un diseño experimental ya que se toman acciones y se miden sus efectos. La población está representada por el proceso de fabricación de la línea de comedores y su unidad de análisis fue una orden de producción, asimismo el tipo de muestreo fue no probabilístico – intencional. La validez de los instrumentos de la presente investigación fue por medio de la evaluación de juicio de expertos. La contrastación de hipótesis se realizó mediante el análisis de normalidad en el software SPSS y el uso de estadígrafos como el T – Student y Wilcoxon. Como resultado en la aplicación del estudio del trabajo se generó un impacto positivo en la fabricación de la línea de comedores, logrando un incremento en la capacidad de producción de 239 a 575 comedores al mes desde Enero a Diciembre del 2018 respectivamente. Por otra parte, se logró un 93% de cumplimiento en órdenes de producción promedio mensual. Asimismo, se mejoró la utilización en un 56% y la eficiencia en un 55%. La investigación concluyó que la aplicación del estudio del trabajo a través de conocer las operaciones que forman parte del proceso de fabricación incrementa la capacidad de producción de la línea comedores.The objective of this research is to determine how the study of work affects the increase of the production capacity of the dining room line in the company IKASA in the year 2018. The present investigation has a quantitative approach and is of application type, having an experimental design since actions are taken and their effects measured. The population is represented by the process of manufacturing the line of canteens and its unit of analysis was a production order, also the type of sampling was not probabilistic - intentional. The validity and reliability of the instrument of the present investigation was through the evaluation of expert judgment. The hypothesis testing was carried out by means of the normality analysis in the SPSS software and the use of statisticians such as the T - Student and Wilcoxon. As a result of the application of the work study, a positive impact was generated in the production of the dining room line, achieving an increase in the production capacity from 239 to 575 dining rooms per month from January to December 2018, respectively. On the other hand, 93% compliance was achieved in average monthly production orders. In addition, utilization can be improved by 56% and efficiency by 55%. The investigation concluded that the application of the Labor Study through knowing the operations that are part of the manufacturing process, increases the production capacity of the dining room line

    Retornos anormales ante anuncios de calificación soberana: caso Mila

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    Siendo las calificaciones de riesgo soberano limitantes de decisiones de inversión, intensificadores y moderadores de los ciclos económicos, la presente investigación se centra en entender el comportamiento de los retornos (anormales) del MILA ante cada tipo de anuncio de calificación soberana (upgrade o downgrade) que han emitido las agencias Big Three (Fitch, Moody’s y S&P). Para ello trabajamos con un total de 141 anuncios obtenidos de Chile, Colombia, México y Perú entre 1992 y 2020. Como resultado obtuvimos que, bajo la metodología Event Study Approach (ESA): 1) el impacto (anormal) de un downgrade es mayor a un upgrade; 2) la reacción no se limita al mismo día del anuncio; y 3) el MILA no tiene la misma respuesta para cada una de las tres agencias. Asimismo, bajo el uso de un modelo econométrico de datos de panel, encontramos que las variables de contexto económico y comportamiento del mercado previo al evento resultaron ser las que determinan (condicionan) el retorno anormal del MILA en el día del anuncio y no necesariamente el carácter positivo o negativo de la nueva información.Sovereign risk ratings limits investment decisions and act as intensifiers and moderators of economic cycles. That is why this research focuses on understanding the behavior of MILA (abnormal) returns for each type of sovereign rating announcement (upgrade or downgrade) issued by the Big Three agencies (Fitch, Moody’s, and S&P). For this we work with a total of 141 events obtained from Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru between 1992 and 2020. As a result, we obtained that, under the Event Study Approach (ESA) methodology: 1) the (abnormal) impact of a downgrade is greater than the upgrade; 2) the reaction is not limited to the day of the event; and 3) MILA does not have the same answer for each of the three agencies. Likewise, using an econometric panel data model, we found that the variables of economic context and market behavior prior to the event turned out to be the ones that determine (condition) the abnormal return of the MILA on the day of the announcement and not necessarily the positive or negative character of the new information

    Space Images for NASA/JPL

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    Space Images for NASA/JPL is an Apple iPhone application that allows the general public to access featured images from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). A back-end infrastructure stores, tracks, and retrieves space images from the JPL Photojournal Web server, and catalogs the information into a streamlined rating infrastructure

    Diseño del pavimento más adecuado para las calles afectadas por causa del fenómeno El Niño costero, en el distrito de El Porvenir sector Río Seco barrio 3, provincia de Trujillo, departamento La Libertad

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    Las calles José Crespo Castillo, Manuel Gonzales Prada, Chinchaysuyo, San Luis, Horacio Patiño y Eugenio Pachamier del distrito de El Porvenir Sector Río Seco Barrio 3 en la provincia de Trujillo, son vías urbanas secundarias al cauce principal y fueron afectadas por el paso de las aguas del fenómeno el Niño Costero en el año 2017, causando el deterioro del pavimento flexible que presentaban estas calles secundarias y que actualmente se encuentran en muy mal estado, lo que trae como consecuencia la contaminación ambiental de la zona y la baja serviciabilidad de estas vías. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal realizar el diseño del pavimento más adecuado para dichas calles secundarias que han sido afectadas por causa del fenómeno el Niño Costero en el distrito de El Porvenir Sector Río Seco Barrio 3, provincia de Trujillo, departamento La Libertad, vías que actualmente no se ha considerado en ningún expediente técnico para realizar la construcción de dicho pavimento y tampoco cuentan con una buena transitabilidad. Para lo cual se inició con los estudios básicos para el correcto diseño de pavimentos, los cuales fueron el Estudio del Tráfico Vehicular para determinar el número de Ejes Equivalentes (EE) y el Estudio de Mecánica de Suelos con fines de Pavimentación utilizando la normativa vigente “CE. 010 Pavimentos Urbanos”, también determinamos los espesores del pavimento flexible y pavimento rígido utilizando la metodología AASHTO 93, luego se procedió a elaborar el presupuesto estimado del costo total de ambos diseños de pavimento y finalmente se realizó el diseño geométrico de las vías urbanas a proyectar, donde se aprecia el área destinada a veredas, jardín, sardinel y pavimentación. Al finalizar la presente tesis se muestra los resultados obtenidos y también se plantea las conclusiones y recomendaciones, con esto nos ayudará a analizar y determinar qué tipo de pavimento es el más adecuado a estas vías urbanas afectadas por causa del fenómeno El Niño Costero para una futura realización de este y así mejorar la transitabilidad de dichas vías y aumentar la calidad de vida de los pobladores de dicha zona de estudioThe streets José Crespo Castillo, Manuel Gonzales Prada, Chinchaysuyo, San Luis, Horacio Patiño and Eugenio Pachamier of the district of El Porvenir Sector Río Seco Barrio 3 in the province of Trujillo, are secondary urban roads to the main channel and were affected by the passage of the waters of the El Niño Costero phenomenon in 2017, causing the deterioration of the flexible pavement that these secondary streets presented and that are currently in very bad condition, which brings as a consequence the environmental contamination of the area and the low serviceability of these roads. The main objective of this thesis is to design the most suitable pavement for said secondary streets that have been affected by the El Niño Costero phenomenon in the district of El Porvenir Sector Río Seco Barrio 3, province of Trujillo, department La Libertad, roads That currently has not been considered in any technical file to carry out the construction of said pavement and they do not have good trafficability either. For which it began with the basic studies for the correct design of pavements, which were the Vehicle Traffic Study to determine the number of Equivalent Axles (EE) and the Soil Mechanics Study for paving purposes using current regulations ""CE. 010 Urban Pavements”, we also determined the thicknesses of the flexible pavement and rigid pavement using the AASHTO 93 methodology, then we proceeded to prepare the estimated budget of the total cost of both pavement designs and finally the geometric design of the urban roads to be projected was carried out, where you can see the area for sidewalks, garden, sardinel and paving. At the end of this thesis, the results obtained are shown and the conclusions and recommendations are also raised, with this it will help us to analyze and determine what type of pavement is the most appropriate to these urban roads affected by the El Niño Costero phenomenon for a future realization of this and thus improve the walkability of said roads and increase the quality of life of the inhabitants of said study areaTesi

    Supersymmetric dS/CFT

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    We put forward new explicit realisations of dS/CFT that relate N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric Euclidean vector models with reversed spin-statistics in three dimensions to specific supersymmetric Vasiliev theories in four-dimensional de Sitter space. The partition function of the free supersymmetric vector model deformed by a range of low spin deformations that preserve supersymmetry appears to specify a well-defined wave function with asymptotic de Sitter boundary conditions in the bulk. In particular we find the wave function is globally peaked at undeformed de Sitter space, with a low amplitude for strong deformations. This suggests that supersymmetric de Sitter space is stable in higher-spin gravity and in particular free from ghosts. We speculate this is a limiting case of the de Sitter realizations in exotic string theories.Comment: V2: references and comments added, typos corrected, version published in JHEP; 27 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    We have already heard that the treatment doesn't do anything, so why should we take it?: A mixed method perspective on Chagas disease knowledge, attitudes, prevention, and treatment behaviour in the Bolivian Chaco

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    Author summary Chagas disease (CD) is caused by infection with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and is on the list of the most neglected tropical diseases on Earth. It has become an international health issue affecting 6-7 million people worldwide, mainly in Latin America. We performed a qualitative and quantitative study in Monteagudo, Bolivia, in order to paint an overall picture of CD in one of the most afflicted regions in the world: the Bolivian Chaco. Community members and key informants, such as patients and healthcare staff helped us to understand their current situation. Even after a large health campaign, persistent knowledge gaps, misconceptions and structural barriers were identified, leading to normalization and acceptance of CD and its social consequences. Relevant findings included the broad use of ivermectin for CD treatment without scientific evidence. We also found that misinterpretations of serologic test results contribute to a critical attitude towards biomedical treatment that is stopping patients from seeking treatment. With this research we aim to update the data on current knowledge and to analyse remaining barriers for transmission control and treatment, in order to focus future interventions and advocate for patient's rights. Background: Chagas disease (CD) is highly endemic in the Bolivian Chaco. The municipality of Monteagudo has been targeted by national interventions as well as by Medecins Sans Frontieres to reduce infection rates, and to decentralize early diagnosis and treatment. This study seeks to determine the knowledge and attitudes of a population with increased awareness and to identify remaining factors and barriers for sustained vector control, health care seeking behaviour, and access, in order to improve future interventions. Methodology/Principal findings A cross-sectional survey was conducted among approximately 10% (n = 669) of the municipality of Monteagudo's households that were randomly selected. Additionally, a total of 14 in-depth interviews and 2 focus group discussions were conducted with patients and key informants. Several attitudes and practices were identified that could undermine effective control against (re-)infection. Knowledge of clinical symptoms and secondary prevention was limited, and revealed specific misconceptions. Although 76% of the participants had been tested for CD, only 18% of those who tested positive concluded treatment with benznidazole (BNZ). Sustained positive serologies after treatment led to perceived ineffectiveness of BNZ. Moreover, access barriers such as direct as well as indirect costs, BNZ stock-outs and a fear of adverse reactions triggered by other community members made patients opt for alternative treatments against CD such as veterinary ivermectin, used by 28% of infected participants in our study. The lack of accessible care for chronic complications as well as socioeconomic consequences, such as the exclusion from both job opportunities and bank loans contributed to the ongoing burden of CD. Conclusions/Significance Large scale interventions should be accompanied by operational research in order to identify misconceptions and unintended consequences early on, to generate accessible data for future interventions, and for rigorous evaluation. An integrated, community-based approach tackling social determinants and including both traditional and animal health sectors might help to overcome current barriers and advocate for patients' rights